ANTI-SOCIAL behaviour has been slashed by 46 per cent in a year following the launch of Warwickshire’s Safer Schools initiative.
New figures for the last quarterly report show falls in crime across the board in areas where Safer Schools are in place.
Measured against last year’s figures, the report revealed criminal damage has dropped by 31 per cent and reports of violence are down 24 per cent.
Safer Schools is a partnership initiative between Warwickshire Police, Warwickshire County Council and selected Warwickshire schools, which sees a police community support officer (PCSO) based on the school sites to offer support to pupils and teachers and the local community.
PCSOs are also involved in promoting positive activities to support PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education) and citizenship studies, offering advice about personal safety and providing early intervention for students at risk.
David Whitehouse, head of community protection at Warwickshire Police, said: “One year on and we are seeing real benefits to the environment both within schools and the surrounding area.
“There have been some excellent partnership examples proving the success of this innovative scheme, with real impact for our young people in particular”
Safer Schools was launched as a pilot in six Warwickshire schools in September 2008.
Campion School in Leamington was one of six schools chosen to take part.
The schools were chosen based on criteria including location of the school in relation to the community and the need for local support.
The long term goal is to extend the programme to all of the county’s secondary schools.
More schools will become involved this year and then a county-wide roll-out will see school clusters forming with groups of schools working with a full-time PCSO in each area of the county.
This cluster model has already proved to be successful in the delivery of extended services and it is hoped that the two initiatives will continue to be developed side by side.
Warwickshire County Councillor, Izzi Seccombe, portfolio holder for children, young people and families, said: “We have seen the positive effect Safer Schools has made in Warwickshire and I’m
really excited that the programme has been rolled out to more schools in the area.”